Volunteer Job Descriptions
Thank you to ALL volunteers!
We NEED you to make these meets happen!!
When you sign your swimmer up for the race, sign yourself up to volunteer.
You are welcome to watch your kiddo swim when their race comes up. We just need to make sure your position is covered (i.e. someone in your group is watching the other kids in the zoo or the concession stand) during the time you are away.
-You may sign up for more than one shift. More than one person per family may sign up to volunteer.
If you are having trouble deciding what to sign up for, the following questions may help you decide what position fits you best.
-Do you want to “just get it over with”? Help set up the meet the night before OR early Saturday morning. We also have food/drink pick up for concessions.
-Do you want to get those steps in? Runner will keep you moving.
-Do you want to be up on the hill in the shade (possibly with your kid) the entire time? Zookeeper is for you.
-Do you have other children that don't swim? They can stay with you as you watch Stingrays that stay in the Zoo. Zookeeper is for you.
-Do you want to be right up in the action next to the pool? We have several jobs that would work for you: timer, ready bench, handing out heat ribbons and *stroke and turn judge. (Judges must have done the certification clinic.)
-Do you want to have a job where you sit in the shade by the pool? Assisting the Head Computer Volunteer, placing stickers on ribbons and timer are what you want to pick
-Are you a procrastinator? Select clean up after the meet to put the pool back to “normal”.
Brief Job Descriptions
Assisting the Head Computer Volunteer
- Input times and DQ slips into the computer
- Various printing: results, ribbon labels, DQ sheets, timer sheets; deliver to areas
Concessions (check out the job sign up for different options)
- At meets, sell pre-packaged and freshly cooked food, sell Stingray merchandise, accept money (cash and online payments) and make change if necessary- This position is in close proximity to swimmers
- Pick up food to bring to the meet
Gate Attendant
- Open gate for people entering the pool area. You can also stand in the gate while there is traffic. Do not prop the gates open with anything other than your body (can be standing or sitting).
- EVERYONE should help out a little on their way out, but we need people signed up to make sure the details are taken care of. check list
- For the pool deck area, zoo and concessions areas
- Break down equipment under direction of meet director
- Put equipment away and remove trash
- return the pool to it's "normal" state (preseason/general swim)
Meet Set up (2 options)
- Set up for meets the night before meets under direction of meet director
- Set up for meets the morning of meets under direction of meet director
- gets the pool, zoo and concessions ready for the meet
Ready Bench
- Call swimmers to the ready bench area, making sure swimmers are sorted by heat/lane
- Seat the swimmers in their benches (based on heat and lane position)
- Get the kids from ready bench to the pool lanes in a timely fashion
Ribbons (2 options)
- Place Stickers on Ribbons- Places result stickers on top finisher ribbons and files ribbons in folders (by last name of swimmer)
- Hands out heat winner ribbons (winner for each race)
Choose one of the following spots when signing up:
- Take timer sheets from the timers after an event and give to Computers
- Take DQ sheets from the stroke and turn judges and give to Computers
- Writes down swimmer information on the DQ form (disqualification form) for the Stroke and Turn Judges when they see something that is not regulation.
- *Volunteers in this job may be asked to fill other roles if necessary.
Spirit Gear Sales
- Sell spirit items during the designated sale times
Stroke and Turn Judges **must be trained**
- Watch swimmers strokes and turns for compliance to regulations
- The meet cannot start without enough judges.
- Use a provided stopwatch to time each swimmer’s event (in your assigned lane)
- Verify name of swimmer with the name on the card where time will be recorded
- The meet cannot start without enough timers.
- Please arrive at the meet and be in your zoo area by 7am
- Bring a printed heat sheet and a permanent marker
- Keep assignment group of children together in designated area (when not swimming)
- Make sure swimmers are marked and get them to the ready bench in time for their events
- Parents should be making up swimmers prior to drop off.
- Mark up with information found on the meet heat sheet: Event - Heat - Lane
- Remain with their swimmers until the end of your age group’s session at the meet and make sure swimmers clear up all trash and snacks before they leave.
- If you have a child in another Zoo, you CAN leave your Zoo to watch them. Just make sure someone is looking after the kids left in the Zoo.
We look forward to seeing y’all at the pool!